2014 Make-up favorites (part 1)

Here is the list of my 2014 make-up favorites. I made the list based on what make-up I wear everyday and always pack if I am going away. I used all of these items for most of the year and loved some of the items for more than that. Here is my list and reasons why:


1.Make-up primer: Benefit Porefessional. Its a primer loved by many. I like how it feels, it does look like it fills your pores and also has a tint which helps with evening out the skin tone. I always try to use the primer if I have a little bit more time for doing my make-up in the morning, so my foundation lasts longer and I don’t need to touch up later in the day.

2.Foundation: Estee Louder Double Wear. I like this foundation a lot. It serves all my needs: it has a great coverage, lasts long time, looks natural, has great colour range and easy to apply. I like to apply it with my fingers, it makes it quick and easy, looks good and no need to clean brushes. For a special occasions it looks great if applied with beauty blender, but that uses much more foundation. Hence, fingertips work great for everyday application.

3.Powder: Rimmel Stay Matte. Its my favorite drugstore powder, I used it for about 3 or 4 years. I don’t set my foundation with powder everyday, especially if using Double wear by Estee Lauder. However, if I am going to use a powder it will be this one.

4.Bronze: Body Shop Honey Bronze. I use the second colour shade of this bronze and its just perfect for the most time of the year (when not tanned) . It is light enough, so doesn’t  look muddy on your face, but also great for anywhere on your face. You can apply it with a big brush for sun tanned look or use more precise brush and highlight your cheekbones.

5.Blush: Estee Lauder Hot Sienna Satin. Its probably more autumn/winter colour blush, but I like it anytime of the year. I think this blushes are great, they are buildable, lasts long, blends nicely and very pigmented, hence, saves the frustration. The colour of the blush is more a personal choice, whichever suits you better.

Here is the first part of my 2014 make-up favorites. Let me know what you think, what are your favorites  in these categories. Part 2 is shortly to follow, which will include my favorite eye-shadow, eyeliners, mascaras, brow and lip product.

2 thoughts on “2014 Make-up favorites (part 1)

    • krisrein says:

      You probably right about Porefessional, it can clog your pores Using a primer and a heavy foundation like mine makes it a mission in the evening to wash it all off. I definitely have to cleanse my face several times for all of it to come off.

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